
How To Get Up Stairs After Foot Surgery

7 Ways to Prepare Your Home in Advance of Foot Surgery

Are you scheduled for foot or talocrural joint surgery? The thought of undergoing surgery tin be scary, but sometimes, it's the best selection to treat painful foot concerns from Achilles tendon injuries to bunions.

While surgery eventually helps you get back to your favorite activities with less pain, recovery from foot and talocrural joint surgery takes time, and your mobility will exist express.

Sean Rosenblum, DPM , and our team at Foot and Talocrural joint Care of Passaic specialize in human foot surgery and we're hither to respond all of your questions near recovery. When y'all're scheduled for surgery, nosotros give you specific instructions for healing based on the type of human foot surgery you lot need, just there are some things we recommend to everyone.

Preparing in advance tin make your recuperation easier, and here are seven ways to get yourself and your home fix.

one. Set upwardly a bed on the ground floor

Lots of people have bedrooms on the second floor (or higher) of their domicile, but going up and downwards stairs after foot surgery tin be hard and unsafe. If you need to climb stairs to go to your bedroom, consider setting upwardly a bed on a lower level.

A temporary bedroom helps minimize the stairs you need to navigate and makes information technology easier to get a good night'southward remainder.

2. Surround yourself with the essentials

Along with your bed, gear up an area where you can sit comfortably during the day and keep your foot elevated if needed. Proceed all essentials — like your telephone, computer, TV, snacks, actress pillows, and medication — nearby so you don't have to get up often.

3. Plan how you'll work

These days, workplaces are more flexible than ever, so you lot may exist able to go on working while y'all're at home recovering from foot surgery. If you already have a home function, make sure it's on a lower level and information technology'southward easy to admission. If you don't unremarkably work from domicile, create a space where y'all have room to work comfortably.

If you lot tin can't work from dwelling, make arrangements with your employer. You may not be able to bulldoze for a period of time after foot surgery, so decide if y'all demand to accept time off or find someone to drive you to and from work.

4. Clear pathways throughout your dwelling

You should limit your activity level as you recuperate from foot surgery, just you'll still accept to get up from time to time. To reduce your chances of tripping, clear the hallways and pathways you lot apply most ofttimes.

Focus on the paths between your temporary bedroom, living room, bathroom, and kitchen. Put away clutter to give you more infinite to move around, pick up cords, and consider removing rugs to make the floor smoother.

five. Stock up on simple meals

Make sure you accept enough groceries in your house earlier your foot surgery. Y'all may not feel like standing for long periods to cook, but eating nutritious food is important while y'all recover. Consider prepping and freezing meal portions ahead of fourth dimension or buy premade, microwavable meals.

6. Get your mobility aids in advance

You probably won't be able to bear weight on your foot right after surgery. Mobility aids, like crutches, a cane or walker, or a knee scooter, can help you get around the house while you heal.

Talk to Dr. Rosenblum about which mobility aids might exist most helpful for yous. Become them earlier surgery and test them out so you know they fit your trunk properly and assist you become effectually more than easily.

Along with mobility aids, recollect about where you might need to sit and residual during your day and accept a footstool nearby. Putting a shower stool in your bathroom can make showering easier and safer when you can't stand comfortably on both anxiety.

vii. Ask family or friends for help

Recovering from foot surgery takes time, and you don't have to exercise it alone. Ask family members or friends to assist out, whether information technology's preparing meals, driving yous somewhere, caring for your pets, or tackling other chores. If no one is available, consider looking into short-term in-home caregiving.

There's a lot to consider when you lot're preparing for foot surgery, simply Dr. Rosenblum and our team are hither to assist. Learn what to expect with a personalized consultation at Foot and Ankle Care of Passaic. Call usa at 973-218-5720 or book online now.


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